no longer here

the murmur in my heart

decided to become a whisper,

and the whisper grew to be a wail

until the wail became a very loud moan

the moan reminds me that you are no longer here

the tourniquet has stopped the bleeding ’round my heart

yet has done nothing to remove the memories of you from my

pounding head, so i will write and write another day until

the very loud moan becomes a wail, and the wail

softens into a whisper, and the whisper decides

to become a murmur, then there will be

nothing but silence to remind me

that you are no longer here

Photo by Alec Douglas on Unsplash

10 thoughts on “no longer here

      1. Michael Williams

        gosh, I’m sorry to hear. i hope you’re getting the healing/cleansing enlightenment that you need.

        since the moon is your blog’s namesake, I looked around for some old pictures I’ve taken and found this when I was in my amateur astrophotography phase 🙂 take care. always nice when you post. Mike

        Liked by 1 person

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