new beginnings

Can you believe we’re almost midway through June? Is it just me or does time really fly?

I’ve had the past 10 days free of work, frolicking on the beach and house hunting. It’s been exceedingly lovely to rest and restore. I so enjoyed my time off from work and spending time with friends. It was much needed. I don’t think I could have worked another day. In the span of 10 days, I found a new home rental that I’ll be moving into in just a matter of weeks. Wow. It is a time of action with the waxing crescent moon, so I guess the timing is fitting. It feels as though a lifetime occurred in the last 10 days 

I’ve gone back and forth about this new home, questioning whether it’s the right move. It’s small, just the right size, very nice, and has cottage-y vibes. I adore the house. The homeowner I experienced as warm and approachable. There’s a small backyard with string lights and enough room to move in my baby grand piano. So what’s the hang up? It’s just further away from the beach, where I’ve lived for the past year. A close friend and I have lived walking distance from each other’s apartment, and I will truly miss that as well as walking across the street to the beach. The new house is in a somewhat mixed neighborhood, meaning it’s in a relatively safe area, but my first impression was, it’s kinda “sketchy.” I keep reminding myself that the home has a backyard. I’ll be able to keep my sweet pup for longer periods of time. I think she’ll feel more comfortable in the space and will have a backyard to explore. I share her with my ex. She loves her doggie door and big backyard at what used to be the home we all shared. It was one of the hardest things ever to leave her.

Change. Change is hard. So many changes in the last year. More changes to come. I should be celebrating, yet I feel a little sad about leaving this space, and ultimately, endings. It’s the end of a chapter. I wanted to stay close, but home properties are less available and more expensive. Life is complicated, messy. How I wish it weren’t so. I will miss this area very much, despite crazy apartment living and crazy neighbors. For many months, it’s been a safe haven, a place to heal.

Why move? I’ve asked myself a million times, weighing the pros and cons obsessively. My lease is up on June 12th, so it seemed an appropriate time. Moreso, I’ve been longing for a home with a backyard for my dog, space for my baby grand, and privacy.

There is much to love about the new house, and I’m grateful that the owner chose me to rent to. The beach is about a 10-minute drive south. Change and transition, nevertheless, are hard, even when it’s for the best. I get attached to things and people. I don’t want to lose what I’ve worked hard to attain. My higher self tells me it’s a time of rebirth, but I seem to be gritting my teeth.

So, cheers to new adventures and new beginnings. If I could trust that the Universe has my back, I suppose transition would feel easier. But trust does not come easy. So be it. Let the packing begin. Once settled, I’m certain I’ll fall in love with the house, and who knows, maybe the neighborhood.

Been obsessed with The Marias latest album, Submarine. No One Noticed seems to describe my mood lately. 

Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash

6 thoughts on “new beginnings

  1. MyGenXerLife

    New home, changing season in life, transition… Bittersweetness that tugs at both ends that causes a temporary imbalance. The universe always seems to lead you down an unknown path where you eventually find yourself home. Best wishes to you in your new place. Once the walls hear the sound of piano keys, coffee being made and your puppy’s footsteps, it will just feel right to call it home.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Moongirl Post author

      Thank you so much. I appreciate “once the walls hear the sound of piano keys, coffee being made and my puppy’s footsteps, it’ll just feel right to call it home.” 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. camilla wells paynter

    Wow, do I relate to this! We’re searching for a new home, too, balancing all the pros and cons of various locations and all that goes along with that. There will for sure be things we’ll miss about our current place, too. But we’ll adapt, and I’m confident that the trade-off we make will bring desired improvements. Ah, life! 🙂 Your pup will love having both you and a yard together at the same time! 💞

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Moongirl Post author

      Thank you, Camilla. I like how you said you’re confident that the trade-offs you make will bring desired improvements. What a great way of looking at it! Wishing you all the best as you search for a new home!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Michael Williams

    so glad to see you got a good amount of time off! it really helps to heal and nourish morale when you can catch up with your own body clock.

    as for your move, congratulations – but at the same time, I can understand your hesitation and sadness leaving your current place. while I’m a big proponent of not fixing/changing things that don’t need to be fixed/changed, I also think about constructively changing when I can and not when I have to. those two modes of thought are a constant pull and push with me.

    i’m glad though that you’ll have a yard with string lights (i haven’t even set my yard up for the season yet, lol). and it’s great you’ll be able to have your pupper around.

    change truly is tough. i don’t think I deal with it as well as other people do, but I find a way. no matter what. there’s some turbulence to be expected but as long as that turbulence isn’t constant going into 4 or 5 months, I have a feeling you’ll settle in quite nicely. while i share your sentiments about beach life, I also really hope that your new backyard will be an oasis of peace and quiet – both from the stresses of life and from your new neighbors. Mike

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Moongirl Post author

      Thanks so much, Mike, for your kind words. I think turbulence is the perfect way to describe change, or at least certain changes. I like the familiar as well and don’t like to change things unless there’s a really good reason to. I do hope the backyard becomes an oasis of peace and quiet, too!

      Liked by 1 person


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