once again

look, look what you have done
just when i come up for air
and all in life seems fair
you silently choke the light
right out of me,
expect me to live a life that
is not mine
when you haven’t the first clue
the dark that has threatened to undo,
nor can you care
for everything has a price tag,
my dreams have languished, lagged
i am spilled out
and for a moment i doubt,
but the waxing moon promises renewal
shall i aspire to the beautiful?
a gift, a life anew,
climb out of the doldrum
shake off that which numbs
and start once again

Cheers to shitty poems. But the song is amazing. Echo of my Shadow by Aurora. 

Photo by Kristina Tripkovic on Unsplash

7 thoughts on “once again

  1. camilla wells paynter

    In my experience, you can ruin a “shitty poem” with too much editing. 🙂 Funny, I used the same image for a poem of mine. I went back to it, curious to see how our interpretations of the emotional quality of the photo might overlap. (Your poem offers a glimmer more of resilience, I’d say.) I found it interesting that my poem begins with with the imperative “Listen” and yours begins with “Look.” 🙂 The sad woman on the other side of the window is still trying to explain herself to one who isn’t there. Mine’s part of a series from 2002 I dredged up: https://camillawellspaynter.wordpress.com/2024/04/13/listen/

    Love the cresting and falling wavelike quality of the Aurora song.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Moongirl Post author

      I love your poem. How interesting that we used the same photo! And that your poem begins with “Listen” and mine with “Look.” Yes, the photo spoke to me similarly. I find Aurora’s music a bit mystical and ethereal 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Michael Williams

    i wish there was something in our lives that was as strong as the moon to pull us up effortlessly like it does the tide. until then, we can only settle for our own willpower.

    btw, do you have a pseudonym that you write under?

    also, a song that’s been in my list for some time i figure it’d resonate: https://youtu.be/1Xddn3kJhhY

    may you have the renewals you wish, in a peaceful Friday and weekend! Mike

    Liked by 1 person


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