let go of ego

this is where i find myself
struggling to embrace
all that is the human experience
i’d soon forget our race
dying to let go of ego,
vying for some balance
finding shelter incognito
in a kind and gentler space
remember who i am,
remember who i’m not
let go of shallow words and gestures
how tiresome are your arrogant thoughts
to live and breathe a life of love
of this i shall pursue
i have no time for human games
i long for a life, a love that’s true

I Hate Everything About You-Live Acoustic, Three Days Grace. An oldie but goodie…my “I don’t give a fuck meter” is at an all time high. Full song lyrics here.

Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

9 thoughts on “let go of ego

  1. Michael Williams

    I love this!

    it’s so easy to conceptualize the ego as this beast to control but it’s very hard to actually get your entire self around it as it manifests itself in the strangest of ways and before you know it, it’s made its presence felt and left.

    i loved that line about remembering what you are and what you aren’t. I think if u can distinguish those two instances in your soul you can better identify ego when it comes.

    thank you for such a great read on a saturday night! 🙂 Mike

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Moongirl Post author

      Thank you! Yes, I think you’re right. Distinguishing who I am and who I’m not helps me figure out when my ego comes in. I’m referring to ego as the opposite of the soul – trying to find balance between female and masculine energies!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. camilla wells paynter

    And by the way. . . this:

    remember who i am,
    remember who i’m not

    is something I remind myself every day. Actually, this whole poem is the encapsulation in verse of a spiritual path. To maintain our sense of self, of personal power and identity — while staying connected to higher meanings, lucid in the dream. You’ve really just said it all here.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. camilla wells paynter

        Bleh. Three chapters of my book are devoted to topic of “work I hated.” 🙂 I’ll have to rifle through and maybe come up with some choice excerpt(s) for posting! Misery loves company?? 😉 Anyway, find nuggets of joy today and milk them for all they’re worth! ❤️

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