Tag Archives: Jangle Pop

merry go round

tuesday flew by, now it’s wednesday
chasing tomorrow and the blues away
hoping to catch a hint of glimmer
‘stead of feeling low, mildly triggered

life is bemusing, a merry go round
spinning fast, am i losing ground?
just when i think it might slow down
it’s just a hoax, some sick joke
somebody wake me up, oh please
‘cuz man oh man, something’s broke

pick it up, girl, just meditate
change the course of this seeming fate
just short of chaos, 
what’s a few raindrops
raining down on your parade?

well, pardon me, m’am
if i’d rather be
sipping a drink by the sea
that’s right,
you guessed it
writing prose and poetry 🙂

No Place Like Home by Vacations. Music makes the daily grind much more bearable ❤ 

Photo by Unsplash in collaboration with Alexander Mills

sail away

this morning you greeted me with a kiss

twelve o’clock noon

and i reminisce

my faded t-shirt still smells of you

i’m hopeless, a romantic

don’t mean to be pedantic,

but i know every curve of your gorgeous face

this afternoon we sailed Marina Del Rey

though the skies began threatening gray

not a worry or care,

your hand brushed back my hair

as the wind whipped through the sails

this evening we strolled under a strawberry moon

warm seabreezes, jasmine’s sugared bloom

you said, “let’s swim,” with a playful grin

and into the waves we dove

Photo by Bobby Stevenson on Unsplash