Tag Archives: Grunge

fly free

just when i feel like
i know where i’m going
the wind knocks me over,
and i’m left blindly groping
stumbling through the dark,
falling miserably short of the mark
days when the tired runs so deep
no amount of sleep can beat it,
and i feel defeated
angry that this i must suffer
seeking protection,
a thing that might buffer
day after day, pour myself out
while mending, on the rebound
need a minute to catch my breath
i am drowning, 
and now i am sounding
a whole lotta crazy
in truth longing to fly free,
leave the tired behind
tell myself, it’s only a matter of time
lock away the light
catch my dream, hang on tight
it’s just within sight

Exhausted by Foo Fighters. Can it be the weekend, please? Work has been draining. I wish it weren’t so. I’m venting, but also jamming to the song below 🙂 The poem has been revised since I first posted. I think I was so tired when I initially wrote it, it didn’t flow the way I wanted it to. I’m done with the revisions now. And I’m also done with my work week. Woo fuckin’ hoo!

Photo by Leo_Visions on Unsplash

dreaming in black and white

there’s a cold, empty space
where once you laid,
nothing left now
‘cept this silent, heavy weight
the scent of you
all but disappeared,
how i desperately miss
the scratchy feel of your beard
strangely, my dreams
have lost all their color
long past, the handsome boy
i met last summer
and now i’m left,
a love story to rewrite
of him i only dream
in black and white

Before We Disappear, Chris Cornell. What can I say. This is such a great song. Chris Cornell, amazing songwriter, guitarist, and vocalist. So very missed. RIP. Thought the lyrics fit this poem. Full lyrics here.

Photo by Gary Meulemans on Unsplash

foolish roulette

here am i

a breath and a sigh

away from you

you and i were going places

feeling safe, like homeostasis

then you left without a word

no promises did we make

yet to be erased,

left to wonder, was i replaced?

such a silly thing

to fall so hard for you

ignored the signs, this is what you do

lesson learned, no regrets

i’ll behave, still left to guess

you’ve moved on

lest i forget

get tangled up in love, a foolish roulette

Foo Fighters, “Stranger Things Have Happened”

Photo by Lenstravelier on Unsplash

ain’t no way

left on an early weekend morn
despite the pity
and the scorn
the sun shone brightly
belied tears cried nightly
because of you
left a houseful of memories,
my dog, baby grand
no one could stop me,
what I had planned
weeks, months in the dark
alone in the crazy,
had i missed the mark?
running and faded
beyond jaded
part of me died
lucky i survived
free me, i will take my stand
free me, this i demand
to walk away, i knew i’d pay
for my sanity
embraced the gravity
to be free
no way in hell
can you stop me
free me, i will take my stand
free me, this i demand
beginning to end
on this i depend
that i will be free
ain’t no way
can you take it away 

“Free Me” by Foo Fighters. This song has been on repeat. I’ve been listening to their earlier stuff as well as their latest album. It takes time to live in each song, learn the lyrics, and feel the vibe. This is one of those songs that so clearly resonates. I’ve worked hard to earn free.

Photo by Gary Meulemans on Unsplash

let the music play on

let the music play on
for therein is real magic
sweet melody,
like the air i breathe
life fades away
angels and devils at play
songs that save my soul
this brokenness indeed made whole
forever young, forever free
give me the beat of a drum
and i’ll soar for eternity

This song by the Foo Fighters, “Rest,” is like a lullaby of sorts. Although I’m not sure of the meaning, I feel that it’s a tribute to Foo Fighters’ beloved drummer, Taylor Hawkins, who died in 2022. I was so saddened by the news of his death believed to have been caused by a drug overdose and an enlarged heart, as I’m a huge Taylor Hawkins fan. There are some great rock n’ roll drummers, including Dave Grohl, but there is something about Hawkins that I loved. The way to my heart will always be through music ♡ Wish that I had more experience drumming!

Feature Photo Taylor Hawkins performing in 2018 CC BY 2.0. Credit: Raph PH

wade into you

lost inside my head
too soon to forget
you’ve got me aching
helplessly craving
your lips on mine
like sweet, sweet summertime
riding the surf with you
what is it you do
that gets me so high?
can’t deny
the madness between us
you’re my latest weakness
but i don’t mind
cuz you make me feel so, so fine
wade into you every time

Would like to set this to music, a song?

Foo Fighters, “Show Me How,” featuring his daughter, Violet, on vocals. I love the vibe of this song. I get inspired by music to write..

Feature Photo by Unsplash in coordination with Natalia Blauth