Tag Archives: Creative Writing

sink into me

when you feel your world is tumbling down
at water’s edge, about to drown
i’ll be near, will carry your fears
sink into me, love,
and all will be well

when you’re overwhelmed and tired of this living
fading fast, surely slipping
don’t you fret or ever regret
sink into me, love,
and all will be well

don’t you know i’d do anything
go crawling to the brink
catch the moon and stars
hold you in my arms
for a million years to come,
a million years to come

you never have to doubt
what i am about
take all of me you need
for you i’d truly bleed
sink into me, love,
and all will be well

Photo by Ananthu Ajayan on Unsplash

over you, or something like that

thought i’d gotten over you

wiped the slate clean

then that fucking song came on

and i quite wanted to scream

it played out on all my emotions

words and thoughts left unspoken

and all the shades of dark returned

though i left it alone, undisturbed

don’t worry, as if you would,

i’m really quite well

no longer naive, under your spell

it’s just now and then, you come up again

when i hear that song,

fans the flame within

ironically, what a surprise

that you,

you brought me back to life

when light was scarce,

couldn’t see for miles

but before you get off, get too vain

and think this poem is about you

it’s more about me, the discovery

that i don’t need you or anyone else,

my heart is mine,

belongs to me

The Hardest Part by Bre Kennedy & Hadley Kennary

Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

merry go round

tuesday flew by, now it’s wednesday
chasing tomorrow and the blues away
hoping to catch a hint of glimmer
‘stead of feeling low, mildly triggered

life is bemusing, a merry go round
spinning fast, am i losing ground?
just when i think it might slow down
it’s just a hoax, some sick joke
somebody wake me up, oh please
‘cuz man oh man, something’s broke

pick it up, girl, just meditate
change the course of this seeming fate
just short of chaos, 
what’s a few raindrops
raining down on your parade?

well, pardon me, m’am
if i’d rather be
sipping a drink by the sea
that’s right,
you guessed it
writing prose and poetry 🙂

No Place Like Home by Vacations. Music makes the daily grind much more bearable ❤ 

Photo by Unsplash in collaboration with Alexander Mills


ruby red nails

and silver lipstick

she wears her platform heels

three inches high just for kicks

with each sway of her hips

studded chains round her wrists

you wonder what she’s made of

when push comes to shove

she holds her head high

when others walk by

feeling their stares and wandering eyes

she just tosses her head

and with a swoosh of her blue hair

smiles amusingly and meets every stare

knowing all that matters

is her own kind of sexy

the kind that’s humble

and when things get messy

she wears kindness

like her black leather jacket

her very best defense,

favorite gambit

Photo by pawel szvmanski on Unsplash

sail away

this morning you greeted me with a kiss

twelve o’clock noon

and i reminisce

my faded t-shirt still smells of you

i’m hopeless, a romantic

don’t mean to be pedantic,

but i know every curve of your gorgeous face

this afternoon we sailed Marina Del Rey

though the skies began threatening gray

not a worry or care,

your hand brushed back my hair

as the wind whipped through the sails

this evening we strolled under a strawberry moon

warm seabreezes, jasmine’s sugared bloom

you said, “let’s swim,” with a playful grin

and into the waves we dove

Photo by Bobby Stevenson on Unsplash

foolish roulette

here am i

a breath and a sigh

away from you

you and i were going places

feeling safe, like homeostasis

then you left without a word

no promises did we make

yet to be erased,

left to wonder, was i replaced?

such a silly thing

to fall so hard for you

ignored the signs, this is what you do

lesson learned, no regrets

i’ll behave, still left to guess

you’ve moved on

lest i forget

get tangled up in love, a foolish roulette

Foo Fighters, “Stranger Things Have Happened”

Photo by Lenstravelier on Unsplash

velvet daydream

tell me more about you

got me so curious

dressed head to toe in black

said your moon’s in aquarius

where do you come from,

where are you now?

stay a little while

let’s go another round

you’re not just anyone

you gotta past

life seemed to happen

too hard, too fast

let me be a shelter,

be your shooting star

fall apart on me

I’ll meet you where you are

you smile at me

and i see moonbeams

meet me at the corner

of this velvet daydream

Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

take twelve

hey girl,
what’s that you say
you’re tired of giving your heart away?

far too feckless
honey’d and reckless
on this cold, moonless night

said you’re looking for Mr Right
but took a wrong turn, yeah took to flight
fled the enemy
goddamn the dastardly

fooled you once, twice maybe
you’re a big girl now
shake it off baby
live another day,
don’t let it get away

trust that there’s more, more than this
more than just a lover’s kiss
love letters to myself
take a beat, or take twelve

’cause you are gold
can’t you see?
keep your heart open,
yeah, own your ‘free’

“Take Twelve” by jazz trumpeter, Lee Morgan, performed by the Lee Morgan Quintet

Photo by Seth Doyle on Unsplash